Vedam Movie stars Allu Arjun, Manchu Manoj and Manoj Bajpai in the lead roles. It is jointly produced by Shobu Yarlagadda and Prasad Devineni under the banner of Arka Media Works. Radhakrishna Jagarlamudi (Krish) of “Gamyam” fame is directing this multi-starrer. Allu Arjun is said to be playing a de-glamorized character while Manchu Manoj portrays the role of a rock star. Manoj Bajpai plays a typical role that gives the twists and turns to the story. Anushka playing the role of a prostitute ,as sex worker,as amalapuram saroja in the film “Vedam”. Vedam is about five stories – Allu Arjun
Allu Arjun said, “People say that story is the hero for any movie. But for Vedam, director Krish is going to be the main hero. I selected a particular character after listening to the script. Manoj Manchu and Anuksha are also doing other important characters. I feel that you need two hands to clap. That is why we are putting our egos aside and doing this movie. There will be five interwoven stories in the movie and each story belongs to one of the 5 main characters. Bollywood Manoj Bajpai is doing another important character. An old man is doing the 5th character. The old character will steal the show. My uncle Chiranjeevi patted my back when i told him that i am doing a multistarrer. There is positive vibe among the team about this movie and i am confident about the success of this movie. And success of this movie will create a new trend of multistarrers.”here are telugu heroines photos,telugu cinema news,anushka latest film,latest releases movie,latest movies,alluarjun latest films,u can watch telugu online movies,many of the people movies online,online telugu movie,Vedam Movie HQ video Review online.
Allu Arjun said, “People say that story is the hero for any movie. But for Vedam, director Krish is going to be the main hero. I selected a particular character after listening to the script. Manoj Manchu and Anuksha are also doing other important characters. I feel that you need two hands to clap. That is why we are putting our egos aside and doing this movie. There will be five interwoven stories in the movie and each story belongs to one of the 5 main characters. Bollywood Manoj Bajpai is doing another important character. An old man is doing the 5th character. The old character will steal the show. My uncle Chiranjeevi patted my back when i told him that i am doing a multistarrer. There is positive vibe among the team about this movie and i am confident about the success of this movie. And success of this movie will create a new trend of multistarrers.”here are telugu heroines photos,telugu cinema news,anushka latest film,latest releases movie,latest movies,alluarjun latest films,u can watch telugu online movies,many of the people movies online,online telugu movie,Vedam Movie HQ video Review online.